June 19, 2022 Civil Service Exam Reminders

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Examinees of the June 19, 2022 Career Service Examination-Pen and Paper Test (CSE-PPT) are advised to read Examination Advisory No. 9, s. 2022 containing important reminders, dos and don’ts, and other pertinent information about the exam.


Wearing of face mask shall be strictly required and observed at all times.

Note: Those who may still prefer using face shields for added protection against COVID-19 may still do so.

Civil Service Exam June 19, 2022

  • Be at the testing venue no later than 6:30 a.m., or as required by the CSC Regional/Field Offices concerned.
  • GATES OF TESTING VENUES SHALL BE CLOSED TO EXAMINEES AT EXACTLY 7:45 A.M. Examinees who arrive later than 7:45 A.M. shall NOT be admitted to take the exam.
  • Examinees who are unable to present either a Proof of Full Vaccination (i.e., original Vaccination Card/Certificate, or digital copy thereof) or a “Negative” RT-PCR/Saliva/Antigen Test Result shall NOT be allowed to enter the testing venue.
  • If feasible, VISIT AND CONDUCT AN OCULAR INSPECTION of the assigned school/testing venue at least one day before the examination day to be familiar with the school location and its route/direction, the available means of public transport, and the time and motion requirement of traveling from point of origin to the school/testing venue. DO NOT SOLELY RELY ON GPS NAVIGATION/ROUTE/DIRECTION APP TO LEAD YOU TO YOUR TESTING VENUE ON EXAMINATION DAY.
  • Wear proper attire on examination day, preferably plain white shirt/tops. Examinees wearing SLEEVELESS SHIRT/BLOUSE, SHORTS/SHORT PANTS, TOKONG PANTS, RIPPED JEANS, and SLIPPERS will not be ALLOWED to enter the exam venue.

Male and female examinees with long hair must be tied.

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  • Bringing of cellular phones, including smartphones/watches and pens/eyeglasses with built-in cameras, and any other gadgets/electronic devices including those that may facilitate video/audio recording of any test material/form, or part/portion/phase of the conduct of the exam, and all other similar items, IN EXAMINEE’S SEAT, IS NOT ALLOWED. Prior to occupying the assigned seat, examinees shall be required to deposit said items and all other personal belongings in the designated area. Examinees are encouraged to use transparent bags.
  • Use of any aid in answering the test (such as calculators; watch calculators; tablets; books, dictionaries, and other forms of printed materials; and any other similar materials/items/gadgets) is NOT allowed.
  • Bringing the test booklet outside of the testing room/venue is strictly prohibited. The examination, or test results, of those found violating this rule, shall be canceled.

Please go to THIS LINK to read the official announcement of the Civil Service Commission. For more FREE CIVIL SERVICE EXAM REVIEWERS, just click or tap any of the links below.

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