Paragraph Organization Mock Test

We’re bringing you another FREE CSE Paragraph Organization mock test. Answering this exercise will allow you to have a better chance of passing the Civil Service Exam as well as have a better grasp on making a cohesive paragraph. This is one of the more time-consuming part of the exam so practicing it will allow you to have an easier time answering them. Moreover, the time that you will save in this part of the test can then be used to answer the more challenging parts like Math and Logic.

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CSE Paragraph Organization Mock Test

When looking for clues on how to arrange sentences in a paragraph, start by identifying the main idea or topic. Look for a sentence that introduces this idea, as it often serves as a strong opening. Next, find sentences that provide supporting details, examples, or explanations. Pay attention to transitional words or phrases (if they are present), such as ‘firstly,’ ‘however,’ or ‘as a result,’ as these can indicate the logical flow between sentences. Consider the order of events if the paragraph describes a process or sequence. Finally, ensure the concluding sentence ties back to the main idea, summarizing the paragraph’s content or providing a final thought.

CSE Paragraph Organization Mock Test

Here is our mock test in Organizing Paragraphs for the Civil Service Exam. Don’t forget to apply the knowledge you gained from our previous CSE Paragraph Organization tutorials. 

1. Paragraph 1

A. The ugly duckling was different from his siblings.
B. He faced rejection and bullying because of his appearance.
C. As he grew older, he transformed into a beautiful swan.
D. The story highlights the importance of inner beauty and personal growth.
E. The ugly duckling’s transformation surprised everyone who had doubted him.

        1. ACBED                         c. ADECB
        2. ABECD                         d. ACEDB                         e. ABCED


2. Paragraph 2

A. The mouse heard the lion’s roars and came to help, gnawing through the net.
B. Later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net and struggled to free himself.
C. The lion, initially skeptical, agreed and released the mouse.
D. The mouse promised to repay the lion’s kindness one day.
E. The lion caught the mouse but decided to let it go.

        1. EDBCA                         c. EABCD
        2. EBCDA                         d. EDCBA                         e. ECDBA


3. Paragraph 3

A. They all believed her story and joined her to inform the king.
B. Henny Penny believed the sky was falling when an acorn hit her head.
C. However, they were tricked by a fox and never reached the king.
D. On the way, she met other animals, like Cocky Locky and Ducky Lucky.
E. She decided to tell the king and set off on her journey.

        1. BEDAC                         c. BACED
        2. BECAD                         d. BADEC                         e. BEADC


4. Paragraph 4

a. Jack climbed the beanstalk and discovered a giant’s castle in the clouds.
b. He traded the cow for magic beans, much to his mother’s dismay.
c. Jack and his mother were poor, living off the milk of their cow.
d. Jack stole treasures from the giant, including a golden harp and a hen that laid golden eggs.
e. Eventually, Jack cut down the beanstalk, causing the giant to fall and freeing him and his mother from poverty.

        1. CBDAE                         c. CEBAD
        2. CBEDA                         d. CDABE                        e. CBADE


5. Paragraph 5

a. They found a house made of candy and began to eat it.
b. Hansel and Gretel were left in the forest by their parents due to a lack of food.
c. Hansel and Gretel managed to trick the witch and escape.
d. A witch lived in the house and captured them, intending to eat them.
e. They found treasure in the witch’s house and returned home, where they lived happily ever after.

        1. BADEC                         c. BADCE
        2. BEDAC                         d. BCDAE                        e. BEADC


6. Paragraph 6

a. Della sold her long, beautiful hair to buy a gift for her husband, Jim.
b. Jim and Della were a young couple with little money, but they wanted to buy each other meaningful Christmas gifts.
c. Jim sold his prized pocket watch to buy a set of combs for Della’s hair.
d. When they exchanged gifts, they realized the irony: the combs were useless without Della’s hair, and Jim no longer had a watch chain for his pocket watch.
e. The story illustrates the theme of selfless love and sacrifice, as both gave up their most prized possessions to make each other happy.

        1. BADEC                         c. BADCE
        2. BACDE                         d. BAECD                        e. BACED


7. Paragraph 7

a. The protagonist attempts to build a fire after getting wet, but his efforts fail due to the intense cold.
b. The story emphasizes the unforgiving power of nature and the consequences of overconfidence and ignorance.
c. Eventually, he succumbs to the freezing temperatures, understanding too late the wisdom of the old-timer’s advice.
d. Despite warnings from an experienced old-timer, he underestimates the harsh conditions.
e. The protagonist, a newcomer to the Yukon, sets out on a journey in extremely cold weather.

        1. ECADB                        c. EDABC
        2. EDACB                        d. EDCAB                        e. EBADC


8. Paragraph 8

a. The dog, wearing a piece of rope around its neck, follows the child home.
b. Despite some rough treatment from the family, the dog remains loyal and affectionate.
c. A child encounters a small, dark brown dog that seems friendly but timid.
d. Tragically, the story ends with the dog being killed by the child’s father, illustrating themes of cruelty and innocence.
e. The child’s family initially disapproves of the dog but eventually allows it to stay.

        1. CEABD                        c. CABED
        2. CEADB                        d. CAEBD                        e. CAEDB


9. Paragraph 9

a. Throughout the diary, Eve explores themes of curiosity, discovery, and the challenges of adapting to life in the Garden of Eden.
b. Eve begins keeping a diary to record her thoughts and observations about the new world she inhabits.
c. She reflects on her experiences and the differences between herself and Adam.
d. The diary concludes with Eve’s musings about the future and her deepening understanding of her role in the world.
e. Eve is often puzzled by Adam’s behavior and their interactions with the other creatures in the garden.

        1. BCEAD                        c. BCDEA
        2. BCAED                        d. BCAED                        e. BCDAE


10. Paragraph 10

a. Despite her dire financial situation, Miss Leeson remains cheerful and hopeful.
b. Miss Leeson, a struggling typist, rents the smallest room in Mrs. Parker’s boarding house, known as the “Skylight Room.”
c. The room has a tiny skylight, which Miss Leeson uses to gaze at the stars, particularly focusing on a star she names “Billy Jackson.”
d. In a twist of fate, the ambulance driver who rescues her turns out to be a doctor named Billy Jackson, saving her life.
e. Eventually, Miss Leeson falls ill and is unable to pay her rent, leading Mrs. Parker to evict her.

        1. BACDE                        c. BACED
        2. BCADE                        d. BCAED                        e. BCDAE


11. Paragraph 11

a. In response, international agreements like the Montreal Protocol were established to phase out the use of ozone-depleting substances.
b. The ozone layer is crucial for protecting life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
c. These efforts have led to a gradual recovery of the ozone layer, showcasing the positive impact of global cooperation on environmental issues.
d. This depletion of the ozone layer increases the risk of skin cancer and other health issues, as well as environmental damage.
e. In the late 20th century, scientists discovered that certain chemicals, like chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), were causing significant thinning of the ozone layer.

        1. BEADC                         c. BEDCA
        2. BECDA                         d. BECAD                        e. BEDAC


12. Paragraph 12

a. Advances in medical research have led to significant improvements in cancer detection and treatment.
b. Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide, affecting millions of people each year.
c. Despite these advancements, finding a cure for all types of cancer remains a complex challenge due to the disease’s diverse and adaptive nature.
d. Efforts include developing targeted therapies, immunotherapies, and personalized medicine to improve patient outcomes.
e. Ongoing research and clinical trials are crucial in the battle against cancer, as scientists continue to search for more effective treatments and potential cures.

        1. BEADC                        c. BEDCA
        2. BECDA                        d. BADCE                        e. BEDAC


13. Paragraph 13

a. The extinction of dinosaurs is believed to have occurred around 66 million years ago.
b. Scientists theorize that a massive asteroid impact was a significant factor in this extinction event.
c. The impact would have caused drastic environmental changes, including blocking sunlight and altering climate patterns.
d. These changes would have disrupted the food chain and habitats, leading to the eventual extinction of the dinosaurs.
e. The study of dinosaur extinction helps scientists understand the impact of catastrophic events on Earth’s history.

        1. ABDCE                         c. ABDEC
        2. ABECD                         d. ABEDC                        e. ABCDE


14. Paragraph 14

a. Lizards are a diverse group of reptiles that have evolved over millions of years.
b. Their evolution is marked by adaptations to various habitats, from deserts to rainforests.
c. Some species developed unique features like the ability to regenerate lost tails or change color for camouflage.
d. Fossil evidence shows that early lizards date back to the late Triassic period.
e. The study of lizard evolution helps scientists understand broader patterns in vertebrate adaptation and survival.

        1. DABCE                        c. DACBE
        2. DABEC                        d. DACEB                        e. DAECB


15. Paragraph 15

a. The revolution brought about significant social changes, including urbanization and shifts in labor practices.
b. The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century in Britain and spread to other parts of the world.
c. While it led to economic growth and technological advancements, the Industrial Revolution also had negative impacts, such as environmental degradation and poor working conditions.
d. It marked a major turning point in history, characterized by the transition from agrarian societies to industrialized economies.
e. Key innovations included the steam engine, mechanized looms, and advancements in iron and steel production.

        1. BDECA                        c. BDAEC
        2. BDACE                        d. BDCEA                        e. BDEAC

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