CSE Paragraph Organization Practice Test

Organizing paragraphs in the Civil Service exam can be quite challenging. Although not particularly difficult, it demands considerable time. The task involves determining the correct sequence of sentences to create a coherent paragraph, article, or story. This section of the test requires you to decide which sentence comes first, what follows next, and so on. Both the Professional and Sub-professional Civil Service License exams include this component, so achieving a high score here is essential as it will help you pass the CSE in just one take.

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In this type of test, sentences are presented in a jumbled order, and your task is to rearrange them to form a logical and meaningful passage. The process of paragraph organization is time-intensive because it involves analyzing the content and sequencing the sentences appropriately. However, before we dive into practice exercises, I’ll provide you with some tips to help simplify this part of the exam.

5 Tips when Organizing Paragraphs

CSE Paragraph Organization Mock Test

  1. Identify the Main Idea: Start by determining the main idea or topic of the paragraph. The sentence that introduces this idea is often the opening sentence.

  2. Look for Transitional Words: Pay attention to transitional words or phrases (e.g., “however,” “therefore,” “firstly,” “in addition”) as they can help indicate the order of sentences and the flow of ideas.

  3. Establish a Logical Sequence: Arrange the sentences in a logical order. Look for a natural progression of ideas or events, such as chronological order for a narrative or a logical flow for an argument.

  4. Identify Supporting Details: Determine which sentences provide supporting details or examples for the main idea. These usually follow the introductory sentence and provide more depth and explanation.

  5. Check for Consistency and Coherence: After arranging the sentences, read the paragraph to ensure it makes sense as a whole. The ideas should flow smoothly, and the paragraph should be coherent and consistent in tone and content.


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CSE Paragraph Organization Mock Test

Here are 15 paragraph organization practice tests to help you get ready for the upcoming Civil Service exam. Arrange the given sentences to form a cohesive paragraph. Multiple choices are not offered in this exercise to further enhance your CSE paragraph organization skills.


  1.  In the heart of chaos, a sanctuary of solitude emerges, offering solace to the weary soul seeking respite from the relentless pace of existence.
  2. Amidst the bustling cityscape, a solitary figure wanders through the labyrinth of streets, lost in thought.
  3. Each step echoes with the rhythm of contemplation, as the cacophony of urban life fades into the background.
  4. And so, amidst the urban sprawl, amidst the chaos and clamor, the wanderer finds serenity in the simple act of being lost in their own thoughts.
  5. With every passing moment, the weight of the world seems to lessen, replaced by a sense of tranquility born from introspection.



  1. In the midst of feudal hierarchy and the shadows of the dark ages, a tapestry of life unfolded, weaving together tales of valor, hardship, and faith.
  2. Peasants toiled the land under the scorching sun, their lives bound by the whims of feudal lords who ruled with an iron fist.
  3. In the heart of medieval Europe, castles stood as imposing fortresses, symbols of power and authority.
  4. Knights clad in shining armor rode gallantly into battle, their swords gleaming in the sunlight as they defended their lord’s honor.
  5. Within the walls of monasteries, monks devoted themselves to prayer and scholarship, preserving knowledge amidst the chaos of the era.



  1. Hawks, with their keen eyesight and razor-sharp talons, are among nature’s most efficient hunters, capable of striking with deadly precision.
  2. Their talons lock onto their victim with a vice-like grip, delivering a fatal blow before swiftly carrying it away to be consumed.
  3. With lightning speed, they dive towards their target, executing a swift and calculated attack that leaves little chance for escape.
  4. As they soar high above the landscape, their acute vision allows them to spot even the slightest movement of potential prey on the ground below.
  5. Through centuries of evolution, hawks have perfected their hunting techniques, making them formidable predators in the sky and a vital component of their ecosystem’s delicate balance.



  1. Despite facing numerous setbacks in his personal life and career, Downey Jr. refused to succumb to despair, instead choosing to confront his demons head-on.
  2. Today, he stands as a testament to the power of second chances, proving that with the right mindset and support, it’s possible to overcome even the most daunting of challenges.
  3. Robert Downey Jr.’s journey from the depths of drug addiction to becoming the face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a remarkable tale of redemption and resilience.
  4. Through dedication, talent, and sheer determination, Downey Jr. transformed himself from a cautionary tale into an inspiration for millions around the world.
  5. His portrayal of Tony Stark/Iron Man not only revitalized his career but also played a pivotal role in shaping the success of the entire Marvel franchise.



  1. The thinning of the ozone layer allows harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere, leading to increased risks of skin cancer, cataracts, and other health issues.
  2. Urgent action is needed to address the root causes of ozone depletion and safeguard the delicate balance of our planet’s atmospheric layers for future generations.
  3. Despite international efforts to curb its depletion, the ozone layer continues to thin, posing a significant threat to global environmental health.
  4. Human activities, such as the release of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting substances, remain the primary drivers behind this alarming trend.
  5. Scientists warn that if this trend persists, it could have devastating consequences for ecosystems, biodiversity, and agricultural productivity.



  1. The butterfly effect serves as a reminder of the intricate and often unpredictable nature of the world we inhabit, emphasizing the importance of understanding and respecting the delicate balance of complex systems.
  2. While the concept was initially applied to meteorology, it has since been extended to various fields, including economics, biology, and social sciences.
  3. This phenomenon highlights the interconnectedness of all things, where even the slightest perturbation in one part of the system can cascade into profound effects elsewhere.
  4. It illustrates how seemingly minor actions, such as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings, can set off a chain reaction of events that ultimately result in major changes.
  5. The butterfly effect, a concept originating from chaos theory, suggests that small changes can lead to significant and unpredictable outcomes in complex systems.



  1. Tim Berners-Lee’s invention of the World Wide Web in 1989 further democratized access to information, enabling users to navigate interconnected web pages using hyperlinks.
  2. Today, the internet has become an indispensable tool for commerce, education, entertainment, and social interaction, shaping virtually every aspect of modern life.
  3. It originated from the ARPANET project initiated by the U.S. Department of Defense in the late 1960s, with the goal of creating a robust communication network resilient to nuclear attacks.
  4. The creation of the internet marked a monumental milestone in human history, revolutionizing the way information is accessed, shared, and communicated across the globe.
  5. Over the following decades, advancements in computer technology, networking protocols, and telecommunications infrastructure paved the way for the internet’s exponential growth and widespread adoption.



  1. The Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is the deepest known point on Earth, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
  2. Its depths plunge to over 36,000 feet below sea level, a realm of crushing pressure and perpetual darkness that has fascinated explorers and scientists for centuries.
  3. The extreme conditions of the trench harbor a unique ecosystem adapted to survive in the harsh environment, including strange and otherworldly creatures yet to be fully understood.
  4. Unlocking the secrets of the Mariana Trench holds the potential to expand our understanding of the oceans and the planet, offering insights into geological processes, biodiversity, and the limits of life itself.
  5. Despite advancements in technology, much of the trench remains unexplored, with only a handful of manned and unmanned expeditions reaching its deepest depths.



  1. Although Pluto may no longer hold the title of a planet in the traditional sense, it remains a fascinating object of study in the outer reaches of our solar system, continuing to captivate scientists and enthusiasts alike.
  2. As a result, the IAU reclassified Pluto as a “dwarf planet,” sparking debate among astronomers and the public about the definition and classification of celestial bodies.
  3. While Pluto meets the first two criteria, it fails the third, as its orbit overlaps with that of Neptune and it shares its space with other objects in the Kuiper Belt.
  4. Under the new definition, a celestial body must meet three criteria to be classified as a planet: it must orbit the Sun, be spherical in shape due to its own gravity, and clear its orbit of other debris.
  5. Pluto’s status as the ninth planet in our solar system was called into question in 2006 when the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefined the criteria for what constitutes a planet.



  1. His military campaigns across Europe, including his famous victories at Austerlitz and Jena, solidified his reputation as one of history’s greatest military strategists.
  2. Despite his eventual defeat at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and subsequent exile, Napoleon’s legacy endures, leaving an indelible mark on the course of European and world history.
  3. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of the French, establishing a vast empire that stretched from Spain to Poland.
  4. The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte marked a transformative period in European history, as his military prowess and political ambition reshaped the continent’s landscape.
  5. Born on the island of Corsica in 1769, Napoleon rose through the ranks of the French military during the tumultuous years of the French Revolution.



  1. Factors contributing to brain drain include limited job prospects, low wages, inadequate infrastructure, and political instability, which push many qualified individuals to seek employment and a higher quality of life elsewhere.
  2. Additionally, the departure of skilled professionals deprives the country of valuable expertise and talent needed to address pressing issues such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.
  3. Efforts to reverse brain drain include implementing policies to improve working conditions, investing in education and training programs, and creating incentives to encourage skilled workers to remain in the country and contribute to its development.
  4. The loss of skilled workers has detrimental effects on the Philippine economy, hindering development and innovation, and exacerbating social inequalities.
  5. The brain drain phenomenon in the Philippines refers to the significant emigration of highly skilled professionals, particularly in fields such as healthcare, engineering, and information technology, to seek better opportunities abroad.



  1. Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. The caffeine in coffee can improve cognitive function, increase alertness, and enhance mood, making it a popular choice for boosting productivity and mental performance.
  3. Coffee also contains essential nutrients such as riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), magnesium, and potassium, which contribute to overall health and well-being.
  4. However, it’s important to consume coffee in moderation and be mindful of individual tolerance levels, as excessive intake can lead to negative side effects such as insomnia, anxiety, and digestive issues.
  5. Drinking the proper amount of coffee per day can offer various health benefits, thanks to its rich antioxidant content and stimulating properties.



  1. Recycling also stimulates the economy by creating jobs in collection, processing, and manufacturing industries, contributing to sustainable development and community well-being.
  2. Embracing recycling as a daily habit empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the environment and build a more sustainable future for generations to come.
  3. Additionally, recycling helps to divert materials from ending up in oceans and waterways, where they can harm marine life and ecosystems.
  4. Recycling plays a crucial role in conserving natural resources, reducing pollution, and minimizing waste sent to landfills.
  5. By reusing materials such as paper, glass, plastic, and metal, recycling helps to decrease the demand for raw materials, thereby preserving forests, reducing energy consumption, and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.



  1. The colors of the Aurora Borealis, ranging from green and pink to purple and blue, are determined by the type of gas particles colliding with the Earth’s atmosphere and the altitude at which the collisions occur.
  2. This celestial phenomenon is caused by the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field, resulting in the emission of colorful lights in the night sky.
  3. For centuries, the Aurora Borealis has captivated people around the world with its ethereal beauty and mystical allure, inspiring awe and wonder in those fortunate enough to witness its dance across the heavens.
  4. The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a mesmerizing natural light display that occurs in the polar regions of the Earth.
  5. The best places to witness the Aurora Borealis include northern regions such as Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, and Alaska, where clear, dark skies offer optimal viewing conditions.



  1. Choosing the right leader is paramount for the success and well-being of any group, organization, or nation.
  2. A competent and ethical leader possesses the ability to inspire, motivate, and unite people toward a common vision and shared goals.
  3. Leadership impacts every aspect of society, influencing decision-making processes, shaping organizational culture, and determining the direction of progress and development.
  4. Effective leadership fosters trust, transparency, and accountability, creating an environment conducive to innovation, collaboration, and growth.
  5. Conversely, poor leadership can lead to division, dysfunction, and stagnation, undermining morale, eroding trust, and impeding progress.


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