Number Series and Sequence

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Welcome to Mathematics. A subject that could make any person insane just by staring at numbers and symbols. To make matters worse, Math also has to be taught in English. Talk about having a headache and bleeding nose at the same time. With proper learning, however, Math won’t be as hard, but let me tell you, it won’t be a pushover either. The following CSC Math reviewer will help you get through some of the most common questions that could possibly be part of the Civil Service Exam.

Calculators not allowed!

Using a calculator during the test is not allowed so you will have to rely on your manual problem-solving skills. The Numerical Reasoning part of the CSC Exam is comprised of Decimals, Fractions, Positive and Negative Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of all the mentioned items above, Numerical Series and Sequence and Problem Solving. On this part of the CSC Numerical Reasoning Exam Reviewer, however, we will focus solely on number series and sequence. Since you’ll only be dealing with the next or previous number to form the pattern, this part of the exam shouldn’t be too hard. These questions will also make you more prepared when you enter the amazing world of numbers and computation.

Before we start, here are some examples so you have an idea of what Numerical Series and Sequence is all about. The key to getting the right answers to these types of Math questions is to look for a pattern.

A. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ___?

This one is basic as you’re just counting by odd numbers. The next number in the sequence is “11”.


B. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ___?

Still easy. As you can see, if the first number in the sequence is multiplied by two, the product is the next number in the sequence. “64” is the answer.


C. 2048, 512, 128, 32, 8, ___?

A descending sequence. Be prepared to encounter a bunch of these during the Civil Service Exam. 2048 ÷ 4 is 512, 512 ÷ 4 is 128 and so on, so the answer is “2”.


Got the idea now? Let’s begin. Don’t forget to write your answers on a sheet of paper.

Number Series and Sequence Test Samples:

1. 3, 6, 12, 21, 33, ___?

  1. 42       b. 45      c. 48      d. 51

2. 6, 15, 33, 69, 141, ___?

  1. 285      b. 282      c. 286      d. 284

3. 2, 4, 9 , 11, 16, ___?

  1. 22      b. 21      c. 20      d. 18

4. 30, 28, 25, 21, 16 ___?

  1. 7      b. 8      c. 10      d. 11

5. 4, 5, 7, 11, 19, ___?

  1. 27      b. 33      c. 35      d. 37

6. 123, 135, 148, 160, 173, ___?

  1. 197      b. 188      c. 185      d. 183

7. 16, 22, 34, 52, 76, ___?

  1. 100      b. 106      c. 110      d. 112
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8. 0.4, 0.9, 1.5, 2.2, 3.0, ___?

  1. 3.9      b. 4.1      c. 4.3      d. 4.5

9.  3, -5, 7, -9, 11, ___?

  1. -13      b. -14      c. -15      d. -16

10. -972, 324, -108, 36, -12, ___?

  1. 3      b. -3      c. 4      d. -4

11. -2, 5, -4, 3, -6, ___?

  1. 8      b. -8      c. 1      d. -1

12. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ___?

  1. 33      b. 35      c. 36      d. 39

13. 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, ___?

  1. 240      b. 560      c. 680      d. 720

14. 183, 305, 527, 749, 1171, ___?

  1. 1693      b. 1783      c. 1958      d. 1992

15. 16, 22, 34, 58, 106, ___?

  1. 198      b. 200      c. 202      d. 208

Once you are finished with the CSC Number Series and Sequence Test Exercise above, you can go ahead and check out the answers by pressing any of the buttons below.

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If you’ve gotten at least 13 correct answers, then you did well. If you did less than that, I would suggest you read more about Numerical Reasoning so you could train more.

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One comment

  1. i want to review the civil service because i will take the exam and i want to pass it.

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