English Grammar: First, Second, and Third Person Perspective

This post will be all about the first, second, and third-person points of view and grammar related to them. I must say that this will be a bit tough because again, like what I said in the synonyms and antonyms reviewer, English is not our native language and requires a lot of studying. Hopefully, this part of CSReviewer.com will enlighten you more about the first, second and third-person perspectives. Learning them is vital as it will not only help you pass the Civil Service Exam but will also improve your English grammar skills. With that out of the way, let’s have a look at the image below.

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English Grammar First Second Third Person Perspective

Point of View Definitions

First, second, and third person are categories of grammar to classify pronouns and verb forms.

  • First-person: Indicates the speaker
    • When we talk about ourselves, our opinions, and the things or events that happen to us, we generally speak in the first person perspective. The biggest clue that a sentence is written in the first person is the use of first-person pronouns. Notice in the first sentence of this paragraph, the pronouns we, us, our, and ourselves appear in bold text.  They are all plural first-person pronouns. Singular first-person pronouns include I, me, my, mine and myself. Examples are;
      • I prefer hot chocolate over tea.
      • I think I lost my bag. I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
      • We opted to go as a group rather than traveling individually.
  • Second-person: Indicates the addressee (the one being talked to)
    • The second-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being addressed. This is the “you” perspective. You will know that the sentence is in second person perspective when the second-person pronouns you, your, yours, yourself, and yourselves are being used. Examples are;
      • You like coffee better than tea.
      • You can wait over there and make yourself at home.
      • You should be proud of yourself for finishing 2nd place in this tough tournament!
  • Third-person: indicates a third party individual other than the speaker.
    • The third-person point of view belongs to the person (or people) being talked about. The third-person pronouns include he, him, his, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, them, their, theirs, and themselves. Examples are;
      • Eliza used her prize money from the contest to buy herself a new pair of shoes.
      • He likes to jog early on weekends.
      • They tried their best to win the game but still came up short.
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Note: Not all sentences rely on pronouns to indicate the perspective of a sentence, especially in the third person. Here’s an example.

  • Cherry loves going to school.

If you look at the sentence, you will think that “Cherry isn’t me,” so you eliminate the first-person perspective. You can also think that “you are not talking to Cherry”, so that also eliminates the second-person perspective and you are left with third-person.

List of Pronouns

Again, here is the list of pronouns to help you identify which perspective a sentence is written.

First Person Second Person Third Person


I, me, my, mine


we, us, our, ours

(Considered both singular and plural)

you, your, yours


he, she, him, her, his, hers, it


they, them, their, theirs

More examples of first-person sentences:

  • I would like to come along but I have so many things to do.
  • We will arrive at the meeting place very early
  • That bag over there is mine.
  • Have you seen my new car?
  • There is no better team than ours.

More examples of second-person sentences:

  • You should rest if you are tired.
  • Is that yellow bicycle yours?
  • Pack your bags already!
  • Hey Jason, please find the missing piece of the puzzle.

More examples of third-person sentences:

  • Did she just opened the box that was not hers?
  • He will not come along without his father.
  • They are about to get ready for their final performance.
  • Jose and Peter always want things their way.
  • Let them have their 15 seconds of fame.

Third Person Limited and Third Person Omniscient Points of View

In literature, narrative perspective serves as a crucial lens through which stories unfold, shaping readers’ understanding and engagement. Two prevalent modes of narration, third person limited and third person omniscient, offer distinct vantage points into fictional worlds. Third person limited immerses readers in the intimate confines of a single character’s consciousness, providing insight into their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This narrative approach fosters empathy and connection with the protagonist while maintaining a degree of narrative distance. Conversely, third person omniscient transcends individual perspectives, affording the narrator omniscient insight into the minds of all characters. With a panoramic view of the narrative landscape, this perspective unveils intricate webs of plot and character, enriching the story with depth and complexity. Through the interplay of these narrative modes, authors craft narratives that captivate and resonate, inviting readers to explore the vast terrain of human experience.

  • Third Person Limited:

    • In third person limited point of view, the narrator tells the story from the perspective of one character.
    • The narrator uses third-person pronouns (he, she, they) and refers to characters by their names or pronouns.
    • The narrator only knows the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of the focal character, providing insights into their internal world.
    • Other characters’ thoughts and emotions are not directly accessible to the reader unless revealed through dialogue or actions witnessed by the focal character.
    • This perspective allows for a deeper exploration of the focal character’s psyche while maintaining some distance between the narrator and the story.

Examples of Third Person Limited sentences:
  – Sarah’s heart raced as she approached the podium, her palms sweaty with nervous anticipation.
  – James watched the sunset from his balcony, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over him as the colors of the sky painted a serene picture.


  • Third Person Omniscient:

    • In third person omniscient point of view, the narrator knows and reveals the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of all characters in the story.
    • The narrator uses third-person pronouns and often knows more about the characters and events than any individual character does.
    • This perspective provides a broad view of the story, allowing the reader to understand multiple characters’ motivations, intentions, and perspectives.
    • The narrator may also offer commentary or insights beyond what any single character knows, providing a comprehensive understanding of the narrative.
    • Third person omniscient gives the author flexibility to explore different characters’ viewpoints and create complex narratives with interwoven storylines.

Examples of Third Person Omniscient sentences:
   – As Emily stepped onto the bustling city street, little did she know that her chance encounter with a stranger would set off a chain of events that would change her life forever.
   – In the quaint village of Oakwood, rumors spread like wildfire, each whispered conversation contributing to the intricate tapestry of gossip that enveloped the tight-knit community.

In summary, third person limited focuses on one character’s perspective, while third person omniscient offers a broader, all-knowing view of the story and its characters. The choice between the two depends on the narrative goals and the desired level of intimacy with characters’ inner thoughts and emotions.

First, Second, and Third Person Perspective Sentences Exercise:

Test your newly-acquired knowledge about the different kinds of sentence perspective with this exercise.

1. Which of the following sentences is an example of first person point of view?

    1. She walked down the street, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face.
    2. We danced in the rain, laughing at the sky.
    3. They climbed the mountain, enjoying the breathtaking view.
    4. He rode his bike through the park, admiring the trees.


2. Which of the following sentences is written in second person point of view?

    1. I opened the door and stepped inside the room.
    2. You opened the door and stepped inside the room.
    3. He opened the door and stepped inside the room.
    4. We opened the door and stepped inside the room.


3. In which sentence is third person limited point of view used?

    1. I couldn’t believe my eyes as the dragon soared overhead.
    2. She watched the waves crash against the shore, lost in thought.
    3. He ran through the forest, heart pounding with fear.
    4. Sarah could feel the tension in the room as she entered.


4. Which of the following sentences demonstrates first person plural point of view?

    1. They sat by the fire, reminiscing about old times.
    2. We sat by the fire, reminiscing about old times.
    3. He sat by the fire, reminiscing about old times.
    4. She sat by the fire, reminiscing about old times.


5. Identify the sentence written in second person point of view.

    1. The cat purred contentedly as it curled up on the couch.
    2. You should try the chocolate cake; it’s delicious!
    3. He watched the clock tick away the hours.
    4. We explored the ancient ruins, marveling at their beauty.


6. Which sentence is an example of third person omniscient point of view?

    1. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there, frozen.
    2. He didn’t see the danger lurking in the shadows.
    3. The narrator knew all the characters’ thoughts and feelings.
    4. They couldn’t believe their luck as they stumbled upon buried treasure.


7. Choose the sentence that illustrates first person point of view.

    1. She saw the world through a different lens, one of optimism and hope.
    2. We traveled to distant lands, seeking adventure at every turn.
    3. They worked tirelessly to achieve their goals, never giving up.
    4. He pondered the mysteries of the universe, searching for answers.

8. Which sentence is an example of second person point of view?

    1. They danced under the stars, lost in each other’s arms.
    2. You danced under the stars, lost in the music.
    3. I danced under the stars, feeling the breeze on my skin.
    4. We danced under the stars, celebrating life’s beauty.


9. Identify the sentence written in third person limited point of view.

    1. I gazed out the window, watching the world go by.
    2. She felt a sense of calm wash over her as she listened to the ocean.
    3. He struggled to make sense of the chaos surrounding him.
    4. They laughed as they recalled fond memories from their childhood.


10. Which of the following sentences demonstrates first person plural point of view?

    1. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.
    2. You could hear the waves crashing against the shore in the distance.
    3. We watched in awe as the fireworks lit up the night sky.
    4. He felt a sense of accomplishment as he reached the summit of the mountain.


11. Identify the sentence written in second person point of view.

    1. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of pine.
    2. You are the master of your own destiny; never forget that.
    3. She wandered through the labyrinth of streets, searching for meaning.
    4. They huddled together for warmth as the snow began to fall.


12. Which sentence is an example of third person omniscient point of view?

    1. I couldn’t believe my luck when I found the hidden treasure.
    2. He searched high and low for his lost keys, but they were nowhere to be found.
    3. The narrator knew everything about the characters, including their deepest secrets.
    4. We stumbled upon a hidden cave, filled with ancient artifacts.


13. Choose the sentence that illustrates first person point of view.

    1. They watched the sunset, marveling at its beauty.
    2. We climbed to the top of the mountain, enjoying the view.
    3. She dreamed of faraway places, yearning for adventure.
    4. He pondered the meaning of life, lost in thought.


14. Which sentence is an example of second person point of view?

    1. The birds sang sweetly as the sun rose over the horizon.
    2. You should always follow your dreams, no matter what others say.
    3. We explored the ancient ruins, discovering hidden treasures along the way.
    4. He felt a sense of peace wash over him as he watched the sunrise.


15. Identify the sentence written in third person limited point of view.

    1. I listened to the sound of the rain tapping against the windowpane.
    2. She felt a sense of relief wash over her as she reached the safety of home.
    3. As he struggled to express his deepest emotions, she silently observed from across the room, understanding his turmoil, while elsewhere in the house, another character pondered their own feelings, all unaware of the interconnected drama.
    4. They laughed as they reminisced about old times spent together.

Once you are ready to view the correct answers, just hit any of the social media buttons below and it will be revealed.

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