CSE Reading Comprehension Reviewer

The Reading Comprehension section of the Civil Service Exam is designed to assess an examinee’s ability to understand, interpret, and analyze written information. This section typically includes passages followed by questions that test various aspects of comprehension, such as identifying main ideas, understanding vocabulary in context, making inferences, and evaluating arguments. The questions are crafted to measure how well future government employees can grasp complex texts, draw logical conclusions, and critically evaluate information, all of which are crucial skills for effective public service.

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CSE Reading Comprehension Reviewer with Answer Keys

Having good reading comprehension skills is essential for success in the Civil Service Exam because public servants frequently encounter diverse and detailed information in their roles. Whether drafting policies, analyzing reports, or communicating with stakeholders, the ability to quickly and accurately understand written material is fundamental. Strong reading comprehension skills enable civil servants to make informed decisions, develop sound policies, and effectively serve the public. These skills also ensure that they can stay updated with new information, regulations, and procedures, ultimately contributing to more efficient and effective governance.

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Here are five tips to help you get the correct answers in a reading comprehension exercise:

  1. Read the Questions First: Before diving into the passage, quickly skim through the questions. This will give you an idea of what to look for and help you focus on relevant information as you read.

  2. Identify the Main Idea: Determine the main idea or the primary purpose of the passage. Understanding the central theme will help you answer questions about the overall message and the author’s intent.

  3. Look for Keywords: Pay attention to keywords and phrases in both the questions and the passage. Highlight or underline these keywords as they often guide you to the correct part of the text where the answer can be found.

  4. Context Clues for Vocabulary: If a question in the Civil Service Exam Reading Comprehension reviewer asks about the meaning of a specific word or phrase, use the surrounding context to infer its meaning. Look at the sentences before and after the word for clues.

  5. Eliminate Wrong Answers: When faced with multiple-choice questions, eliminate the obviously incorrect answers first. This increases your chances of selecting the correct answer from the remaining options. Be cautious of answer choices that include extreme words like “always” or “never,” as they are often incorrect.

Using these strategies will help improve your accuracy and efficiency in answering reading comprehension questions that may appear in the Civil Service Exam.

Civil Service Exam Reading Comprehension Mock Test

Without further ado, here is our Reading Comprehension test. Don’t forget to ready them carefully but with an ample amount of speed.

“Life in the Philippines During the ’70s”

In the vibrant archipelago of the Philippines during the 1970s, life was a blend of traditional values and emerging modernity. Streets were filled with the lively sounds of jeepneys, their vibrant colors reflecting the spirited culture of the Filipino people. Families often gathered for fiestas, where the air was thick with the aroma of lechon and the joyful rhythms of folk music and dance. The sense of community was strong, as neighbors treated each other like extended family.

However, the ’70s were also a time of significant political and social change. The declaration of Martial Law in 1972 by President Ferdinand Marcos marked a period of uncertainty and repression. Curfews were imposed, and freedom of speech was restricted. Despite this, the resilience of the Filipino spirit shone through. People found ways to come together, supporting one another through the challenging times, with bayanihan—a communal unity that helped them weather the storm.

Daily life continued with a mixture of caution and normalcy. Children played traditional games like piko and sipa in the streets, while families tuned in to popular radio dramas and variety shows on their televisions. The era saw the rise of the Philippine cinema, with movies that both entertained and subtly critiqued the societal issues of the time. Education was valued, and schools were filled with students eager to learn and dream of brighter futures.

As the decade came to a close, the Philippines stood at a crossroads. The hardships of the ’70s left an indelible mark on the nation, yet the enduring hope and unity among its people remained steadfast. The spirit of bayanihan, the rich cultural heritage, and the collective resilience continued to shape the Philippines, guiding it through the complexities of the years to come.

1. What was a common form of transportation in the Philippines during the 1970s?

      1. Trains                               c. Jeepneys
      2. Bicycles                            d. Trams                                     e. Motorcycles


2. What significant political event occurred in the Philippines in 1972?

      1. Independence from Spain
      2. Declaration of Martial Law
      3. Signing of peace treaty
      4. Election of a new president
      5. End of World War II


3. What traditional Filipino value helped people support each other during the challenging times of the 1970s?

      1. Utang na loob                       c. Bayanihan
      2. Pakikisama                            d. Hiya                                     e. Delikadeza


4. What kind of games did children in the Philippines play during the 1970s?

      1. Video games                            c. Piko and Sipa
      2. Board games                           d. Pusoy Dos                           e. Mahjong


5. What was one way families entertained themselves during the 1970s in the Philippines?

      1. Listening to gossips
      2. Attending concerts
      3. Swimming in rivers
      4. Listening to radio dramas
      5. Watching Sinakulo

“The Robotic Revolution: Transforming Human Lives”

In the not-so-distant future, robotics had seamlessly integrated into daily human life, revolutionizing industries and households alike. From automated factories producing goods with unprecedented precision to domestic robots assisting with household chores, the presence of robots had become ubiquitous. These machines, powered by advanced artificial intelligence, had taken over many menial and repetitive tasks, freeing up time for humans to engage in more creative and fulfilling pursuits.

In the healthcare sector, robots brought about remarkable changes. Surgical robots performed intricate procedures with greater accuracy than human hands could achieve, reducing recovery times and improving patient outcomes. Elderly care was enhanced by companion robots, which provided not only physical assistance but also emotional support, alleviating loneliness and fostering a sense of companionship. These advancements allowed healthcare professionals to focus on more complex and critical aspects of patient care.

Education also underwent a transformation with the advent of robotics. Intelligent tutoring systems personalized learning experiences, adapting to individual student needs and pacing. Classrooms were equipped with robots that facilitated interactive learning, making education more engaging and accessible. This shift enabled teachers to concentrate on nurturing critical thinking and creativity, guiding students through complex problem-solving rather than rote memorization.

Despite the many benefits, the widespread adoption of robotics brought about new challenges. Concerns about job displacement and economic inequality grew as robots took over tasks traditionally performed by humans. Ethical questions surrounding the extent of robotic autonomy and decision-making power also emerged. Yet, as society navigated these complexities, the potential for a future where humans and robots coexisted harmoniously remained a hopeful prospect. With careful consideration and innovative policies, the robotic revolution had the power to enhance human lives in ways previously unimaginable.

1. What is a primary benefit of robotics in daily human life as described in the story?

      1. Increased unemployment
      2. Reduced precision in manufacturing
      3. c. Freedom for humans to engage in more creative pursuits
      4. Higher cost of living
      5. Decreased productivity


2. How have robots impacted the healthcare sector according to the story?

      1. By increasing patient recovery times
      2. By performing surgeries with greater accuracy
      3. By reducing the number of healthcare professionals needed
      4. By making healthcare more expensive
      5. By eliminating the need for human doctors


3. In what way has education been transformed by robotics?

      1. By making classrooms obsolete
      2. By eliminating the need for teachers
      3. By personalizing learning experiences and facilitating interactive learning
      4. By reducing the quality of education
      5. By increasing the reliance on rote memorization


4. What are some challenges mentioned in the story related to the widespread adoption of robotics?

      1. Decreased job opportunities and economic inequality
      2. Improved job satisfaction and wealth distribution
      3. Lowered cost of living and increased wages
      4. Increased demand for manual labor
      5. Reduced ethical concerns and decision-making issues


5. What is the hopeful prospect mentioned in the story regarding the future of humans and robots?

      1. Complete robot autonomy over human decisions
      2. A future where robots replace all human jobs
      3. A harmonious coexistence between humans and robots
      4. Humans becoming subservient to robots
      5. Robots leading governments and making policies


“The Fall of the Mongolian Empire”

The Mongolian Empire, once the largest contiguous land empire in history, began its decline in the late 13th century. Founded by the formidable Genghis Khan, the empire had expanded rapidly, encompassing vast territories across Asia and Europe. However, the seeds of its downfall were sown in its very expansion. The immense size of the empire made it increasingly difficult to govern, leading to fragmentation and internal strife among the ruling elite.

One of the significant factors contributing to the empire’s fall was the lack of a unified leadership after the death of Kublai Khan, Genghis Khan’s grandson. The empire splintered into several khanates, each ruled by different descendants of Genghis Khan. These factions often clashed, vying for power and control, weakening the once-unified empire. Additionally, the heavy taxation and harsh rule imposed by the Mongol governors fueled widespread resentment among the conquered peoples, leading to numerous rebellions.

External pressures also hastened the empire’s decline. The rise of powerful adversaries such as the Mamluks in Egypt, the resurgence of the Russian principalities, and the Ming Dynasty in China challenged Mongolian dominance. These adversaries, leveraging both military might and strategic alliances, gradually reclaimed territories from Mongol control. The Mongolian military, once invincible under Genghis Khan, struggled to maintain its supremacy against these emerging powers.

By the mid-14th century, the Mongolian Empire had effectively disintegrated into a collection of isolated khanates, each struggling to survive independently. The legacy of the Mongolian Empire, however, endured through the cultural and economic exchanges it had facilitated across its vast expanse. The fall of the great Khanate marked the end of an era, but the echoes of its influence continued to shape the course of history in the regions it once ruled.

1. What was a significant factor in the Mongolian Empire’s decline?

      1. Lack of unified leadership after Kublai Khan’s death
      2. Invasion by the Roman Empire
      3. Natural disasters
      4. Economic prosperity
      5. Discovery of new trade routes


2. How did the size of the Mongolian Empire contribute to its downfall?

      1. It made the empire invincible.
      2. It facilitated easy governance.
      3. It made it difficult to govern and led to fragmentation.
      4. It attracted more allies.
      5. It improved communication and control.


3. Which external adversary is mentioned as contributing to the Mongolian Empire’s decline?

      1. The Roman Empire
      2. The Ottoman Empire
      3. The Mamluks in Egypt
      4. The Byzantine Empire
      5. The Persian Empire


4. What role did heavy taxation and harsh rule play in the decline of the Mongolian Empire?

      1. They strengthened the empire’s economy.
      2. They led to widespread resentment and rebellions.
      3. They improved relations with conquered peoples.
      4. They increased loyalty among subjects.
      5. They facilitated better governance.


5. What was the state of the Mongolian Empire by the mid-14th century?

      1. It had expanded further.
      2. It remained a unified empire.
      3. It had disintegrated into isolated khanates.
      4. It was stronger than ever.
      5. It had formed new alliances.


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