CSE Reading Comprehension Exercise

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Greetings and welcome to yet another tutorial on mastering CSE Reading Comprehension. Consider this another “tutorial” of sorts, as it aims to enlighten you on how to carefully read and understand text at a brisk pace. Let’s be honest, Civil Service Exam reading comprehension questions aren’t particularly challenging, but they do demand an exorbitant amount of time. However, fret not, as with the right training and approach, you can reduce the amount of time spent on these items, elevate your chances of selecting the correct answer, and even obtain an excellent score. Our approach to training will be systematic and focused, including the acquisition of new vocabulary and subsequent self-assessment. By honing your skills and putting in the effort, you’ll undoubtedly improve your reading comprehension, making the Civil Service Exam a cakewalk.

CSE Reading Comprehension Tips

Here are some tips for improving your reading comprehension skills:

1. Read actively: This means engaging with the text actively by making notes or underlining important information, summarizing key points, and asking yourself questions about the text as you read. This will help you to focus your attention and retain information.

2. Preview the passage: Before diving into a text, spend a few minutes previewing it. Look at the title, headings, and any images or graphs. This will give you an idea of what the passage is about and help you to focus on the important information.

3. Identify the main idea: Determine the main idea of the passage by identifying the topic sentence and summarizing the information presented in the passage.

4. Pay attention to details: Details are important in reading comprehension exercises. Pay attention to numbers, dates, names, and other important facts.

5. Watch for context clues: Context clues can help you to understand the meaning of words or phrases that you are unfamiliar with. Look for clues in the surrounding sentences or paragraphs.

6. Look for patterns: Look for patterns in the passage, such as cause and effect relationships or comparisons and contrasts. These patterns can help you to understand the overall meaning of the passage.

7. Practice regularly: Practice reading comprehension exercises regularly to improve your skills. You can find practice exercises online or in books.

8. By using these tips, you can improve your reading comprehension skills and do better on reading comprehension exercises.


CSE Reading Comprehension Short Quiz

In this exercise, you will be presented with three engaging passages to read and understand. Each passage covers a different topic, allowing you to explore a variety of subjects. As you read, pay close attention to the details and main ideas presented in each passage. After reading each passage, you will be asked a series of questions to test your comprehension and understanding of the text. Take your time to carefully analyze the information provided and select the most appropriate answers. This exercise aims to enhance your reading skills and critical thinking abilities. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of these passages and let’s begin!


“Rekindled Friendship”

Once upon a time, there were two inseparable best friends named Jean and Lisa. From childhood, they did everything together and were like two peas in a pod. They attended the same school, played sports together, and had similar hobbies. However, a trivial issue caused a massive argument, and they stopped talking to each other. They both missed each other, but pride held them back from admitting they were wrong.

After months of silence, Jean decided to take the initiative and reach out to Lisa with a heartfelt letter. She expressed how much she missed their friendship and apologized for their dispute. Lisa was touched by the letter and realized how much she had missed Jean. They decided to meet up and talk things out, where they both apologized for their mistakes and forgave each other.

It was a beautiful moment when they reunited, and they realized that even the strongest of friendships could experience disagreements. They promised to keep communicating and not let anything come between them again.

Their friendship was reignited with more strength than before, and they lived happily ever after as best friends.

1. What was the cause of the argument between Jean and Lisa?

  1. About their studies
  2. Something trivial
  3. They were not on the same sports team
  4. Something about their hobbies
  5. About their favorite boy in class

2. What was holding Jean and Lisa from admitting both of them were wrong?

  1. Fear of losing face in front of their friends
  2. Stubbornness and unwillingness to compromise
  3. Different opinions on the topic of the argument
  4. Lack of trust in each other
  5. Fear of losing their individual identity

3. How did Jean and Lisa finally reconcile and become friends again?

  1. They both went to a mutual friend and asked for their help in reconciling.
  2. Jean apologized to Lisa and invited her over to hang out, which led to a heart-to-heart conversation and reconciliation.
  3. They both decided to bury the hatchet and move on from the argument.
  4. Lisa reached out to Jean and suggested that they talk things through, which led to an open and honest conversation and reconciliation.
  5. They were forced to work together on a group project for school, which helped them get over their differences and become friends again.

4. What did Lisa and Jean learned after having an argument?

  1. That true friends always agree on everything
  2. That it’s okay to hold grudges against your friends
  3. That disagreements can happen even between the closest of friends
  4. That it’s better to keep silent than to admit fault and apologize
  5. That apologies aren’t necessary in a true friendship

5. What does the story suggest about the nature of true friendship

  1. True friendship is based on never having disagreements or arguments.
  2. True friendship means always agreeing with each other and never challenging each other.
  3. True friendship is based on forgiveness, understanding, and a willingness to work through disagreements.
  4. True friendship is about always being there for each other, no matter what.
  5. True friendship is about having similar interests and hobbies.
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“The Protective Cat”

Lila was a young girl who had always been fond of animals. She had begged her parents for a pet for years, and finally, they relented and got her a fluffy little kitten. Lila named her cat Luna, and they became inseparable from the moment they met.

As Luna grew up, she developed a strong bond with Lila. She would follow her everywhere, meowing for attention whenever Lila was around. But Luna was not just a regular cat. She was fiercely protective of her owner and would hiss and scratch anyone who she thought was a threat to Lila’s safety.

One day, while Lila was walking home from school, she noticed a group of boys taunting and teasing a small child. Lila tried to intervene, but the boys continued to be cruel. Suddenly, Luna leaped out from nowhere and began hissing and swiping at the boys. The boys quickly scattered, and Lila couldn’t believe what she had just seen.

From that day on, Lila knew that Luna was not just an ordinary pet. She was her protector and guardian, always looking out for her. Luna may have been small, but her love and loyalty to Lila were immeasurable. And Lila knew that no matter what happened, Luna would always be by her side, ready to defend her from any harm that came her way.

1. How did Luna react when she saw a group of boys taunting and teasing a small child?

  1. Luna ran away from the boys and hid.
  2. Luna meowed at the boys to get their attention.
  3. Luna joined in with the boys and started taunting the small child.
  4. Luna hissed and swiped at the boys to protect Lila and the small child.
  5. Luna ignored the boys and continued to follow Lila.

2. What did Lila realize about Luna’s role in her life after Luna protected her from the boys?

  1. Luna was just an ordinary pet and didn’t have any special abilities.
  2. Lila realized that Luna was not just an ordinary pet, but her protector and guardian.
  3. Lila realized that Luna was afraid of the boys and didn’t protect her intentionally.
  4. Lila realized that she should be more careful when walking alone and that Luna couldn’t always protect her.
  5. Lila realized that Luna’s behavior towards the boys was just a coincidence and didn’t mean anything significant.

3. Why do you think Luna was so protective of Lila in the story?

  1. Luna was naturally aggressive and protective of those she cared about.
  2. Luna had been trained to be a guard animal.
  3. Luna was simply scared of other people and animals and reacted aggressively to defend herself and Lila.
  4. Luna was territorial and saw Lila as her property.
  5. Luna had a deep bond with Lila and felt it was her responsibility to protect her.

4. What is the significance of Luna’s protective behavior towards Lila in the story? How does it relate to the theme of the narrative?

  1. Luna’s behavior demonstrates the theme of loyalty and devotion, as she shows her deep love for Lila by protecting her.
  2. Luna’s behavior demonstrates the theme of self-discovery, as Lila learns more about herself through her relationship with her cat.
  3. Luna’s behavior is an example of the theme of family, as pets are often considered part of a family unit.
  4. Luna’s behavior is insignificant to the theme of the story and serves only as a plot device.
  5. Luna’s behavior highlights the theme of independence, as Lila learns to rely on herself instead of her cat.

5. In what ways does Luna’s behavior deviate from traditional feline behavior, and what might this tell us about the bond between Lila and Luna?

  1. Luna’s behavior is typical of felines, who often display protective behavior towards their owners.
  2. Luna’s behavior deviates from traditional feline behavior by not being aloof and independent.
  3. Luna’s behavior deviates from traditional feline behavior by being overly aggressive and territorial.
  4. Luna’s behavior deviates from traditional feline behavior by being overly friendly and social.
  5. Luna’s behavior deviates from traditional feline behavior by being highly protective of Lila, which may be a sign of the strong bond they share.


“Forbidden Love”

In a lush forest, there lived a beautiful female fairy named Amara. She had long golden hair, sparkling blue eyes, and delicate wings that shimmered in the sunlight. One day, while she was taking a stroll in the woods, she stumbled upon a handsome young mortal named James. She was struck by his rugged good looks and his kind heart, and soon they fell in love.

But their love was forbidden, as fairies were not allowed to interact with mortals. When Amara’s father, the king of the fairies, found out about their relationship, he was furious. He forbade them from seeing each other and ordered James to leave the forest immediately.

Amara was heartbroken and pleaded with her father to let her be with James, but he refused. She knew that they could never be together as long as she stayed in the fairy kingdom, so she made a bold decision. She decided to leave her home and run away with James.

The couple fled deep into the forest, hoping to find a place where they could live in peace. However, their happiness was short-lived as Amara’s father sent a group of fairies to track them down and bring them back to the kingdom. When they were caught, the king was filled with rage and ordered their execution.

James and Amara knew they had no chance of escaping, so they held each other tightly and shared one last kiss before they were killed. Their love was pure and true, but it was not enough to overcome the laws of the fairy kingdom. The forest mourned the loss of their love, and the fairies learned a valuable lesson about the power of love.

Years later, the story of James and Amara’s love was still told in the forest. It became a legend that was passed down from generation to generation, reminding everyone of the importance of love and the sacrifices that sometimes have to be made for it. The memory of their love lived on, and it continued to inspire all those who heard their story.

1. What was the consequence of Amara and James’ decision to run away together, and who was responsible for it?

  1. They were banished from the fairy kingdom by the king, and James was exiled from his mortal village by his own people.
  2. The king ordered their execution, and they were eventually caught and killed by a group of fairies sent to find them.
  3. They were cursed by a powerful fairy godmother, causing them to live forever apart in different worlds.
  4. Amara was imprisoned in the fairy kingdom, and James was forced to marry someone else and start a new life without her.
  5. They were forced to pay a large sum of money to the king as a punishment, which they could not afford, leading to years of financial struggle.

2. What did Amara plead with her father to do when he found out about her relationship with James?

  1. She pleaded with him to banish James from the forest and never let him return.
  2. She pleaded with him to let her marry James and live with him in the mortal world.
  3. She pleaded with him to let her see James one last time before he was forced to leave the forest.
  4. She pleaded with him to allow James to stay in the forest and become a fairy himself.
  5. She pleaded with him to give them his blessing and allow them to be together.

3. Why did James and Amara share one last kiss before they were killed, and how did their love continue to inspire others after their death?

  1. James and Amara shared one last kiss because they wanted to show their love for each other before they died. Their love continued to inspire others after their death because it was a symbol of true and selfless love.
  2. James and Amara shared one last kiss because they knew it would be the last time they would ever see each other. Their love continued to inspire others after their death because it was a reminder that love knows no boundaries, even in the face of death.
  3. James and Amara shared one last kiss because they wanted to defy the laws of the fairy kingdom and show that love can conquer all. Their love continued to inspire others after their death because it was a testament to the power of love and the sacrifices that people are willing to make for it.
  4. James and Amara shared one last kiss because they wanted to leave a lasting memory of their love. Their love continued to inspire others after their death because it was a story of true love that transcends time and death.
  5. James and Amara shared one last kiss because they wanted to share their love with the world before they died. Their love continued to inspire others after their death because it was a story of hope and the belief that true love can survive even in the face of adversity.

4. What might have happened if Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, and how might the story have played out differently?

  1. If Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, they would have been forced to separate forever. The story might have ended on a sad note with the two lovers being separated and never seeing each other again.
  2. If Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, she might have been forced to marry another fairy and forget about James. The story might have ended on a tragic note with Amara being forced to marry someone she didn’t love and James being left alone.
  3. If Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, they might have continued to secretly meet each other in the forest, risking being caught by the king’s guards. The story might have been a thrilling tale of two lovers struggling to be together in the face of adversity.
  4. If Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, the king might have allowed them to be together after seeing how much they loved each other. The story might have had a happy ending with the two lovers being allowed to be together and live happily ever after.
  5. If Amara had not made the decision to leave her home and run away with James, James might have decided to become a fairy in order to be with Amara. The story might have taken a different turn with James being transformed into a fairy and learning to live in the fairy kingdom with Amara.

5. What was the main message or theme conveyed in the story, and how was it illustrated through the characters’ actions?

  1. The main message of the story is that love can conquer all, even in the face of great obstacles.
  2. The main message of the story is that rules and laws are important, even if they sometimes seem unfair or harsh.
  3. The main message of the story is that sometimes the greatest sacrifice is required for true love to flourish.
  4. The main message of the story is that it’s important to follow your heart, even if it means going against societal norms and expectations.
  5. The main message of the story is that love can inspire and bring people together, even in the darkest of times.

Once you are done reading the short passages, you can click on any of the social media buttons below to reveal the correct answers.

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